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What Can Pakistan Learn From Syrian Civil War?

What Can Pakistan Learn From the Syrian Civil War?

The annihilation of any nation is the consequence of its interior insecurity and there are numerous instances of this: Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, and presently the most recent model is Syria, where renegades have assumed command and toppled the public authority.

The Syrian armed force had been battling against rebels for more than 10 years, while the strain from unfamiliar powers had additionally heightened, prompting weariness among the Syrian troopers — at last prompted the breakdown.

The occasions in Syria act as an example for different nations where distress and psychological warfare are sabotaging solidness.

Pakistan’s armed forces have been fighting psychological oppression locally starting around 2007, and our adversaries mean to debilitate and weaken the Pakistani armed forces through this conflict. Subsequently, we should now conclude whether the Pakistani armed forces exclusively must battle the powers compromising our nation, or whether the whole country must stand side by side with the military against these fearmongers’ noxious aims. We want to choose if we have any desire to be a model like these nations or save our country and make an illustration of fear mongers, ruining the accursed plans of Goldsmith and Zionist powers.

Given Pakistan’s geological area and the forceful arrangements of its neighbors, the job of the military is continually expanding, as the security of the country relies upon the Pakistani powers, who have consistently forfeited their lives to guarantee the nation’s significance and sway.

The foe is very much aware of the strength and assurance of the Pakistani armed forces and persistently endeavors to debilitate this organization. India, as a foe country, has reliably attempted to focus on the Pakistani armed forces to make our guard framework incapable.

Moreover, a few outer and interior powers are endeavoring to subvert the believability and strength of the Pakistan Armed forces by including it in different issues.

These endeavors to debilitate the Pakistan Armed Forces come from unfamiliar adversaries as well as from inside components who look to debilitate the public organization for individual addition. They want to misdirect the general population against the military and reduce the country’s guard power. They mean to propel their political plans, seriously endangering the honesty of Pakistan and public solidarity.

Utilizing web-based entertainment, these components have been continually focusing on Pakistan and the military with negative promulgation. The goal is to make a break between individuals and the military, accomplishing the very objectives that prompted the destruction of nations like Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Yemen.

Pakistan Armedforcesehase consistently made penances to safeguard the country. Given the continuous dangers along Pakistan’s boundaries, a solid armed force is significant. On the off chance that we debilitate our safeguard foundation, we will confront worldwide schemes like those against the Syrian system, which could lead our country to obliteration.

The strength and endurance of Pakistan’s military ensure the country’s endurance. We should remain in complete fortitude with the military to counter every foe’s connivance. To defeat adversaries’ pernicious aims, we should keep supporting our powers and uncover the components endeavoring to make debate around this organization.

As a country, we should choose whom to help. Protected areas of strength for and is the assurance of our country’s security and solidarity.

Syrian Civil War


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