7th Pakistan Army Team Spirit (PATS) Exercise-2024 Was Concluded At With An Impressive Closing Ceremony.
General Syed Asim Munir, NI (M), Chief of Army Staff (COAS) graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.

The 60 hours rigorous “Patrolling Exercise” aimed at enhancing combat skills through sharing of innovative ideas and experiences by the participants of the forum.
Seven teams from Pakistan Army and fifteen teams from friendly countries including Bahrain, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Morocco, Qatar, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Srilanka, Thailand and Turkiye participated in the exercise. Azerbaijan, China, Germany, Indonesia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Myanmar witnessed the exercise as observers.

The exercise was conducted from 25-27 Feb 2024 in the semi mountainous terrain of Punjab. Over the years, the exercise has gained much prominence as a very competitive professional military activity for the friendly countries.
While addressing the PATS ceremony, COAS appreciated the participating teams for their professionalism, physical & mental endurance and high morale displayed during various stages of the exercise.

COAS reiterated mutual learning during such exercises and highlighted that PATS is the right forum, which appropriately combines professional military skills and tactical acumen of all participating soldiers fostering much needed team spirit in the face of evolving character of war. To this effect, Pakistan Army upholds rich soldierly attributes of ”character, courage and competence which have amply been displayed by our men in the face of fight against terrorism”.

At the end, COAS gave away individual and team awards to the participants of the exercise. International observers and Defence Attachés of participating countries also attended the ceremony and appreciated its professional conduct.
Earlier on arrival, COAS was received by Commander Mangla Corps.