Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeCurrent AffairsPakistan Rises 14 Spots In UN E-Govt Index 2024

Pakistan Rises 14 Spots In UN E-Govt Index 2024

In the United Nations e-Government Development Index (EGDI), Pakistan improved by 14 ranks to rank 136.

In the e-Government Development Index, Pakistan has come to the top category for the first time.

According to the document, 2 years ago in 2022, the e-governance index of Pakistan was 150.

Pakistan has moved to 88th position in the United Nations e-Participation Index, where it was 106th 2 years ago.

According to the document, Pakistan’s e-participation value has increased from 0.36 to 0.49.

In this regard, Minister of State Shaza Fatima has said that Pakistan has improved by 14 ranks in e-Government ranking, she is grateful to Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif for taking steps for e-Government.

Shaza Fatima also says that the role of the Ministry of IT and the National IT Board in e-government is commendable.


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